Apple definitely has a lot of work to do if it wants to compete with Netflix for unique content. However, the company has made it clear that some of the more famous TV shows (like Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead) do not fit into the concept of what Apple considers a good show.
According to Bloomberg, the main focus of TV series production Apple will be content for the whole family. This implies the absence of anything that can alienate children from the screen. We are talking about a taboo on foul language, nudity and cruelty. So if you were expecting something in the spirit of “Vikings” or “House of Cards” from Apple, it is better to leave these hopes now so as not to be disappointed later.
It is possible that this policy Apple will only apply to the first few series. In the future, in addition to series for the whole family, more niche and controversial things may appear in the series library. Now, apparently, Apple wants to get an initial audience and is trying not to offend or offend anyone.