Looking for cool live wallpapers for iPhone 6s / 6s Plus? News for you: there is a wonderful new application for finding and downloading animated live wallpapers with 3D Touch. Here's how to use it.
Download the app
First, download the Live Wallpapers app at App Store. This seems to be the first live 3D Touch wallpaper app on the market, although we may not have noticed any analogues. Of which there will definitely be a lot soon.
Find yourself a wallpaper
Once the app is installed, launch it and, well, find yourself a wallpaper that suits you! Unfortunately, at the moment the possibility of page-by-page preview of wallpaper previews is not implemented, so you have to flip through them with swipes.
To download your favorite wallpapers, just click “Save” and they will be saved in your Camera Roll.
Put them on your desktop
Open the Photos app, your new wallpaper can be found in the All Photos folder. Open them, click the “Share” button, select “Use as background”.
Before clicking “Install”, make sure that the “Live Photo” switch is on.
That's all! The wallpaper is set, you can activate it 3D Touch – by pressing.
If you find other similar apps, tell us about them in the comments!