Tim Cook Email Employees Apple About Hurricane Harvey

CEO Apple Tim Cook e-mailed company employees Wednesday about Hurricane Harvey, which caused disastrous flooding in southeast Texas. He said that users have already collected more than three million dollars for victims through iTunes, and the company donated another two million.


“With over 8,700 of our colleagues living in Texas, the hurricane touched us all,” he writes in an open letter to employees. According to the CEO, Apple has an emergency team and is now helping to evacuate affected employees and their families.

The company has several stores in Houston, some of which will open today.

“Today our stores in Houston are still closed, but we are working hard to open as many as possible by tomorrow and help those affected. Our teams try to help with both big and small problems, and they know that many people need their help. '

Tim Cook's complete message:


As you know, Hurricane Harvey had devastating effects on Texas and Louisiana. Our thoughts are now all the employees who are in the zone of the storm, as well as the millions of people whose lives have been destroyed by downpours, winds and floods. I want to tell you about how Apple is trying to help, and how you can help.

The Apple Emergency Response Team is currently supporting flood victims in Texas. The team works closely with them in Houston and does everything to help, including evacuating them to safety. Employees Apple in Houston also help victims by inviting colleagues and their families to their homes, as well as taking part in rescue operations. We are proud that the US Coast Guard is using our technology: over twenty rescue helicopters are equipped iPad to coordinate and search for teams.

While Harvey was gaining momentum, we started raising money. Users can easily donate money to the Red Cross at App Store, iTunes and apple.com, and we will double the amount raised. Thanks to your generosity and the kindness of our users Apple, has already helped raise over a million dollars in just a few days. The company donated another two million in its own name to the Red Cross.

Our stores in Houston are still closed today, but we are working hard to open as many as possible by tomorrow to help those affected. Our teams try to help with both major and minor problems, and they know that many people need their help.

I was in Austin the day before the hurricane got there, and our team already started preparing for the storm and its aftermath. Work is still ongoing. At our Austin campuses, we have partnered with Central Texas Food Bank and Caffè Macs to organize a donation reception where people can bring food, diapers and personal care products – everything needed for storm victims.

With over 8,700 of our colleagues living in Texas, the hurricane touched us all. There is still a lot of work to be done and Apple is keen to help.


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