Having banned Telegram, the Russian government demanded that Apple and Google remove the messenger from their app stores.
Roskomnadzor banned Telegram on the territory of the Russian Federation after the creators of the messenger refused to transfer the encryption keys from user correspondence to the FSB.
The FSB wants to gain access to encrypted user correspondence based on security measures. The founder and head of Telegram Pavel Durov refused to cooperate with the FSB, in connection with which the service was banned by the court.
In an attempt to block Telegram, the Russian government has already blocked thousands of IP addresses, which has affected other services and sites.
Let's see if Apple and Google fulfill the requirement of the Russian government. Previously Apple already collaborated with the Chinese government when it demanded to remove VPN applications from Chinese App Store.
Interestingly, Telegram is not the only messenger that encrypts user correspondence. The blocking Telegram has a political motive.