Recently, online shopping has become more and more popular. There are many mobile apps that let you shop from the comfort of your couch. Unfortunately, most of them cannot boast of low prices. It often turns out to be more profitable to purchase goods in another way, even if it is more labor-intensive.
Download the app
The exception to this rule is Joom, a simple and easy-to-use application designed specifically for purchasing cheap goods from China. I decided to check how colorful description in App Store corresponds to reality. Therefore, today we are going on a short journey into the world of Chinese goods. So, the Joom application.
It is worth noting that it starts up and works quite quickly, without any freezes. When launched from the home screen, the user sees the application logo:
After a short download, the application instantly starts adjusting to user requests. On first launch, the following screen appears:
The specified category will be displayed automatically on subsequent launches. If you need to change your choice, you can do this at any time in your account settings. To go to them, you need to click on the profile icon located in the lower right corner of the screen and change the settings for the 'Show products' option:

Joom will also offer to subscribe to notifications. If you wish, you can skip this item and return to it later:
To change the settings, you will need to visit the 'Notifications' section in the same profile menu.
Finally, you can sync your account with one of the social networks:
Simple registration is complete. I was very pleased that Joom, unlike many analogues, does not bother with the requirements to indicate the address – this can be done directly when ordering.
The simplicity of the interface is very important for this type of application. So, clicking on the house icon in the lower left corner will load the Joom home page. It contains different categories of products:
- The best. This is probably where the products recommended by the app are placed.
- Leaders of sells. Top most popular products.
- Cheaper to find! An amazing section of incredibly cheap products – some of them get over 90% off. I cannot explain this amazing fact – the products in the pictures, despite the ridiculous cost, look pretty decent.
A couple more sections are devoted to certain types of goods. So, at the moment they are represented by swimwear and accessories – it seems that the content of these sections depends on the season and is regularly updated.
A small bonus from Joom – a welcome coupon with a discount of 100 rubles, which is valid for a week – that's quite enough. If you invite a friend to the app to make a purchase, there will be more coupons. To do this, visit the profile menu and scroll down to the 'Invite a Friend' tab:
Let's try to apply filters (they are called by the icon in the upper right corner). Active filters are highlighted at the top and can be easily canceled by clicking on the cross:

Everything is fine, but I wanted to see what the implementation of the basket looks like:

Convenient sorting of placed orders:
The thought struck my head – now, fascinated by the convenience of the application design, I will place an order, but what about the security guarantees?
Surprisingly, the Joom application here not only did not disappoint, but also very pleased. In product descriptions, you can find a 'broken' Russian language (an unsolvable problem for applications of this type, because the translation of descriptions is carried out automatically), and when I saw the statement of Russian-language support, I was preparing to contemplate the result of the automatic translation.
About a miracle! The support section is well written and well structured. Personally, I found the navigation very convenient: