How to save Instagram – stories to iPhone

You can view Instagram – your friends' stories as many times as you want until they expire, and unfortunately they cannot be saved to iPhone. At least not from the app itself. But there are other ways to do this.

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In this post, we will show you how to save Instagram – stories to iPhone.

To do this, you will need an unofficial app from App Store. There are many such applications, but we will use InstaStory. The app has ads, but it works great for no extra cost. It also doesn't require logging in to Instagram, and people won't even see that you've viewed their stories. Complete anonymity!

How to save Instagram – stories to iPhone

1) Download InstaStory app from App Store for free and run it.

2) In the search box, enter the username of the person whose history you want to save. Select a user from the list of results. Next, a list of stories that he posted will appear, including photos, videos and captions to them.

How to save Instagram - stories to iPhone

3) Click on the photo or video you want to download.

How to save Instagram - stories to iPhone

4) Click on the Save button.

The only limitation in this application is that the user profile must not be private. If so, you won't be able to view his stories.

It is even easier for jailbroken users to save Instagram – histories. Just download the Social Downloader tweak, which integrates right into Instagram. With it, the process will be much faster and easier.

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