With the release of iOS 10, developers have the opportunity to write their own applications for the iMessage messenger. IMessage now has a mini app platform integrated. You can use apps for a variety of purposes. For example, make group orders at restaurants, exchange encrypted messages and even play small games.
But before you start using the new iMessage features, you need to learn how to install these very applications in iMessage and how to use them. This is what we will talk about in this article.
Apps that only work in iMessage and can only be found in the Messages app.
And apps that run system wide and have an iMessage component.
The first type of applications can be downloaded from App Store. Such an application is labeled “iMessage only”. If the app works outside of iMessage only, it is marked as “Includes App for iMessage”. In order to install them, you must click on the button with the price or with the inscription “Download”.
After the app is loaded, it will be displayed in the Messages app.
Install from iMessage App Store
Step 1: Open any dialogue in iMessage.
Step 2: Click the “Apps” icon next to the text box.