The head of the company Telegram warned users that some functions of the messenger, like stickers, may not work correctly in iOS 11.4. This is due to the fact that Apple is blocking updates Telegram worldwide after the Russian authorities demanded that the company remove Telegram from App Store.
Telegram has not been updated since mid-April, so the app was not fully configured for GDPR requirements by May 25. The founder of the messenger, Pavel Durov, says that the company does not stop trying to understand the situation.
Apple is blocking app updates Telegram worldwide after the Russian authorities requested that it be removed from App Store. Recall that on the territory of Russia the messenger has been banned since April, since the government was not provided with encryption keys from user correspondence.
In April, the Russian authorities demanded that Apple remove Telegram from App Store in Russia. The company did not do this.
Although Apple did not remove Telegram from App Store, the company is blocking application updates worldwide, which is rather strange on its part. Moreover, the company is also pressuring its bosses Telegram to hand over the encryption keys of correspondence to the Russian government.