Earlier this year, it was announced that AirPort Express will begin supporting AirPlay 2 and the Home app. But soon the device was no longer supported by the app in iOS 11.2, and many decided that it would not be updated at all. In Beta iOS 12, support returned, which is good news for AirPort Express owners.
Now Apple has finally released a system update for AirPort Express (2nd generation), adding support for AirPlay 2 and the Home app to the device. The new firmware version number is 7.8.
AirPlay 2 means users can stream music to multiple different technology-enabled devices at the same time, including HomePod, other speakers, and Apple TV. AirPorts Express has a port to which you can connect a speaker.
When you update your AirPort Express firmware, add the device in the Home app. Then you can use AirPlay 2 to play music through a speaker connected to the device.
Best of all, AirPort Express 7.8 is supported on both iOS 12 and iOS 11.4.1. Accordingly, you can use the new function now.