Hardly a week has passed since the release of the Pangu jailbreak for iOS 9 – 9.0.2, but a huge number of jailbreak tweaks for this system have already appeared.
We have already compiled two whole lists of our favorite tweaks for iOS 9. But tweaks keep coming out, we follow them, and now it's time for the third list of cool compatible with iOS 9 – 9.0 .2 jailbreak tweaks.
#1. Facedown
FaceDown is a small tweak that locks the screen iPhone when you place it on a horizontal surface with the screen down. Most likely, the tweak uses the co-processor in the same way as the Facedown Detection feature does, which is designed to save power on iOS 9. Therefore, the tweak will only work with iPhone version 5s and beyond . The tweak does not work on iPad or iPod Touch.
# 2. EasyRespring
The tweak offers an easy way to respring a device by swiping up the Home screen icon in the app switcher.
# 3. Cog
Cog is another tricky little tweak. He tells you who wrote the last message in a conversation with a person from your contact book: you or your interlocutor. Without opening the conversation itself, of course.
#4. cuttlefish
Cuttlefish is a new iOS 9-tweak, it colors the blurry background when calling the Force Touch-menu of an application in the colors of this application's icon. Looks good.
Repo: repo.cpdigitaldarkroom.com
#five. Mutiny
Mutiny allows you to mute conversation sounds directly from the list of all conversations.
# 6. RevealMenu
RevealMenu is another tweak that implements a quick action menu in 3D Touch – style on any device with a iOS 9 system.
# 7. SpotlightBeGone
If you don't like the new way to invoke Spotlight in ioS 9, you can disable it or disable Spotlight altogether with this tweak.
#8. SwitcherBadges
As the name suggests, this tweak adds new notification badges to app icons in the App Switcher, which is pretty useful.
#nine. SwitcherFlipper
The tweak allows you to change the direction in which the app switcher “looks”. Useful if you usually hold iPhone in your right hand.
#ten. RecentlyUninstalled
With this tweak, you can quickly find out which tweaks have been recently installed. It will come in handy if you have problems after installing some tweaks.
Mobius has been around since iOS 7. It implements the possibility of endless cyclic scrolling on the main screen and in folders.
Repo: repo.tylercasson.com