New jailbreak tweaks! Tactful, Popcorn, and many others

Now that Apple no longer signs iOS 9.0.2, you will in no way be able to rollback to this firmware version with a newer one. We hope you managed to roll back while you could! Or not updated to iOS 9.1 at all.

Free tweaks

This week there were again quite a few releases of various jailbreak tweaks. In this post, we've rounded up some interesting releases from this week. Try to install them yourself and tell us which ones you like the most. So…

Auris: Asks you which music app to open when you plug in headphones ($ 1.99)

BrowserBreadcrumbCleaner: Automatically closes tabs in Safari or Chrome opened from another application after you have returned to it with the Back button (free)

BrowserTab: A New Way to Switch Tabs in Safari ($ 1.49)

Bluetooth Devices Renamer: allows you to rename Bluetooth – devices in Settings (free)

FSVideoOnlyMessages: Videos in Messages always open in full screen (free)

Label Notify: Replaces app icon signatures with notification counters ($ 0.99)

Pegasus: brings picture-in-picture mode to all iOS 9-devices ($ 2.99)

Popcorn: implements peek and pop for home screen icons ($ 0.99)

Remote Messages (iOS 9): Remote front-end version of Messages for the web browser ($ 3.99)

Safe Alarm 2: Additional Alarm Options ($ 0.99)

Screenshot App: Makes screenshots more beautiful ($ 1.99)

SFSafariViewController all the things: adds support for Safari View Controller in Twitter, Gmail, WhatsApp and AlienBlue (free)

Shake To Undo Flipswitch: Shake to Undo Flipswitch (Free)

SpotWhite: Colors Spotlight Search Background White (Free)

StopPlayin9: disables auto-play in Music (free)

SwitcherTweak Pro: App Switcher Tweak Bundle ($ 0.99)

Tactful: 3D Touch – gestures in Cydia (free) (review)

Tether: A unique tweak that lets you create alarms, reminders and calendar events in a fun way ($ 0.99)

TypeStatus 2: displays an indication of writing and reading iMessages in the status bar (free)

Unicode Faces: adds Unicode emoji to keyboard (free)

Personally, I found BrowserBreadcrumbCleaner, Popcorn, and Tactful to be the most useful. And you?

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