IOS 11.1 Beta 1: new features and changes

Yesterday Apple released the first beta version iOS 11.1 for developers. The update contains many minor changes aimed at improving the overall performance of the operating system.

iOS - 11-App-Store

We expected iOS 11.1 Apple to add Messages to iCloud, but the feature is still missing in the first beta. The final release iOS 11.1 will only take place in a few weeks, so there is a chance that the company will return the feature in subsequent beta releases.

Let's consider all the changes in the first beta version iOS 11.1.

What's new in iOS 11.1 Beta 1

  • New icons in AssistiveTouch.
  • New icons on iBooks tabs.
  • New animation for opening the camera from the lock screen.
  • The unlock animation is now faster.
  • New animation when moving up the page by clicking on the status bar.
  • Reordered emoji, more recommendations.
  • 3D Touch with AssistiveTouch feels like pushing a button.
  • New AssistiveTouch options.
  • Changed animation when quickly switching between applications.
  • New camera icon in Privacy and Restrictions settings.
  • Removed empty spaces in Settings.

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