John Hancock will start giving away freebies Apple Watch to his 10 million customers. The company donates smartwatches to its existing and new clients as part of an insurance program in which insurers receive bonuses and rewards for a healthy lifestyle.
John Hancock essentially gives Apple Watch for free. You only need to pay $ 25 to activate the device. The company will then allow customers to leave the watch as long as they lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise daily for two years. However, if they do not, they will have to pay a monthly fee.
For the first time, John Hancock began giving away Apple Watch to its customers who purchased their insurance for $ 2 million. There was a 20% increase in the activity of these people, and therefore the company decided to extend the program to the rest. John Hancock is the only company that gives its customers Apple Watch and inspires them to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Immediately after the presentation Apple Watch did not sell well. But after the release of Apple Watch Series 2 and Series 3, their sales have grown dramatically and now they dominate the market. Other companies have abandoned watchmaking, but Apple continues to improve their technology in this area. The company also distributes watches through corporate channels to cover a larger market.