How to change straps from Apple Watch

The smartwatch Apple Watch is already three generations old, but its design remains the same, including the strap change mechanism. We would venture to suggest that it will not change in the next couple of years. If you have Apple Watch, you can customize them by changing the straps.

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For example, you can put on a beautiful Milanese strap for going out, a leather strap for work, and a sports strap for a run. Apple sells dozens of different straps, and there are hundreds of third party options. If you wish, you can change them at least every day, and this is done very easily. Below we will explain how.

How to change the strap from Apple Watch

Step 1: First, remove your Apple Watch from your wrist.

Step 2: Flip them over and find the two buttons at the top and bottom.

How to change straps from Apple Watch

Step 3: Pinch one of them and then pull out the strap.

How to change straps from Apple Watch

Step 4: Do the same with the other side.

Step 5: Now take another strap and insert it into an empty spot. Press the button, and only then insert the strap. You will hear a click, indicating that the strap is secured. Then release the button. Do the same with the other side.

How to change straps from Apple Watch

Most of us only have one white or black sports strap, but there are so many different options. You can buy bright blue or yellow. And if you want something in between style and sport, go for the fabric strap.

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