Animoji Karaoke Gains Popularity

Over the past week, a huge number of Animoji videos have appeared on the Internet. Someone makes funny dubbing for videos or TV series, and some even shoot how animated animals “perform” famous tracks.


You can usually only record 10 seconds of Animoji video to send to iMessage, however this limitation can be circumvented with the screen recording feature introduced in iOS 11. The idea is to use this to record “music videos” featuring animated emoji came to the mind of the journalist Harry McCracken. He thought it would be fun to get the Animoji characters to portray musicians with lipstick.

After that, YouTube and Twitter literally flooded with a huge number of such videos. The authors of some of them turned out to be quite creative and combined several characters in one video and added effects. In the case of Bohemian Rhapsody (video above), it worked one hundred percent.

The Animoji infatuation wave is likely to subside soon, but this is unlikely to happen in the next couple of months. So if you see a singing fox on your Twitter feed, you know how. Do not know? Then pay attention to our instructions for creating such videos.

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