The Apple Pay Cash system will soon be available on iPhone and iPad. The introduction of this function will start already in iOS 11.2. With its help, you can send money to friends or family via Apple Pay.
You can use Apple Pay Cash on iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch, as well as ask Siri to make the required payment. In the video below, a MacRumors journalist shows how it looks and works.
After you've sent money to someone, that person has two options. Either transfer this money to the wallet Apple Pay Wallet and use it for purchases, or withdraw it to your bank account.
You can send money from a debit or credit card or a special card Apple Pay Cash (it is created the moment you receive your payment).
Again, this option will be available starting from iOS 11.2. The second beta version of this update has recently become available, and the public release is due later this month. As soon as we know the exact timing of the release of this update, we will definitely inform you about it.