Artificial intelligence will become a feature of the next generations iPhone

A tradition that has been worked out for years: Apple equips its devices with some function that has existed for a long time, but is not particularly popular, and takes it to a qualitatively new level. The company prefers to 'be late' with the implementation of the technology, but to bring it to perfection and make sure that it is safe for users. However, if the release of technologies is often delayed, this does not mean that Apple does not have fresh ideas for implementation.


So, Tim Cook has been talking about the potential of augmented reality for several months now. At the same time, CEO Apple Jeff Williams noted that artificial intelligence will become a key feature of the company's new devices – in particular, Apple Watch and iPhone.

This is reported by Reuters, citing the words of Williams himself, which he uttered during the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturer.
“We are at a stage in the development of technology when artificial intelligence can change the whole world,” he said.

Note that in recent years Apple has been paying a lot of attention to artificial intelligence. This can be seen in the new features iOS, from recognizing the content of photos to Face ID, which can significantly change the way smartphones are viewed.

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