Today the company Apple updated the headphone firmware version AirPods. The company does not release an official changelog at this time, so we do not know what is new in this firmware update in terms of new features beyond the usual bug fixes and performance improvements, but we will definitely update this article as soon as we know anything about this. The new software upgrades the headphone firmware version AirPods from the original version 3.3.1 to version 3.5.1.
To update the firmware, simply place the headphones AirPods in the battery case and close the cover, then connect the case to a charger or a computer USB port and wait for a few minutes. Your iPhone must be paired with headphones AirPods and connected to a Wi-Fi network in order for the updated firmware to download and install.
To see the current firmware version of the headphones AirPods, open the cover of the headphone case and when the connection picture appears on your iPhone, click 'Settings' →' General '→' About this device '→' AirPods '.
More information about the headphone firmware version AirPods can be found in the manual.