A playlist with friends' music will appear in Apple Music

Apple Music is a popular music listening platform that the company is trying to make more social.

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Apple Music will have a new playlist with songs that your friends are listening to, i.e. your contacts. You should not have the beta version iOS 12 installed, the service update will appear in all versions. If you still don't have a new playlist, please be patient – the update is coming out gradually.

The new playlist consists of 25 songs that your contacts are listening to. Previously, friends' songs could be viewed in a special section, and now they are available as a convenient playlist.

To view all the songs for a particular contact, simply click on their name in the new playlist to open the full profile. In it you will see the entire history of listening to Apple Music.

The playlist with songs of friends will be updated every week.

Few expected Apple Music to update in this way, but if you have a lot of friends, a new playlist is a great way to discover new music.

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